Trust Is The Minimum To Lead

I recently came across some commentary on trust by Dr. Henry Cloud, a noted leadership expert and clinical psychologist whom I greatly respect. Dr. Cloud emphasizes how trust is the minimum character requirement necessary to lead any group effectively. In previous...
Outcomes Over Lists

Outcomes Over Lists

The other day, I read a survey that found 63% of professionals kept daily to-do lists, yet only 11% actually accomplished everything on the list. This report made me wonder if to-do lists provide any real value. How can we leverage our lists to increase productivity...
Business vs. Busyness

Business vs. Busyness

Do you know what your time is worth? It is worth more than you might think. Once spent, we can’t get a unit of time back. We can’t borrow it from the next day or next week. Too often, I am guilty of spending time foolishly or on habits I know don’t bring the results I...
Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage In, Garbage Out

The expression garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) goes back to early data processing days and was a favorite expression used by computer programmers in the 1960s. If the code they wrote was flawed or incomplete, it was considered garbage — non-useable. We have certainly...
Leadership Lesson from the Thai Cave Rescue

Leadership Lesson from the Thai Cave Rescue

As I write this post, 12 boys and their coach from a soccer team in Thailand have just recently been rescued from an underwater cave few experienced divers had ever been to before. The story of how they became trapped and their heroic rescue captured the world’s...