Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage In, Garbage Out

The expression garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) goes back to early data processing days and was a favorite expression used by computer programmers in the 1960s. If the code they wrote was flawed or incomplete, it was considered garbage — non-useable. We have certainly...
Leadership Lesson from the Thai Cave Rescue

Leadership Lesson from the Thai Cave Rescue

As I write this post, 12 boys and their coach from a soccer team in Thailand have just recently been rescued from an underwater cave few experienced divers had ever been to before. The story of how they became trapped and their heroic rescue captured the world’s...
Does Your Team Know Your Expectations?

Does Your Team Know Your Expectations?

  Later this week I will be meeting with my client Jim, the General Manager of a $300M business, to help ensure one of his direct reports, Mike, knows the expectations for the key role he’s been given. For the past several months, Mike has been saying all...
You Gotta Wanna Do It

You Gotta Wanna Do It

This headline is grammatically incorrect, yet I hope it grabs your attention and holds it long enough to drive home an important point. As leaders, we must always be expanding the scope of our knowledge and understanding in order to seize opportunities before they...