Becoming The Leader You Wish You Had

Becoming The Leader You Wish You Had

If you are like most leaders, you want to be the best you can be, either by your own definition or by the reputation you have created in the lives of others. Many people struggle with a specific model of what “that leader” looks like. I’d like to offer a way to think...
Law of Big Momentum – Is Your Momentum Rising?

Law of Big Momentum – Is Your Momentum Rising?

Your momentum is either rising or falling – rarely, if ever, does it stay constant. Momentum is like the growth process: you are either growing or declining. This is why we need to learn about the Law of Big Momentum. Why is momentum so important to leaders? If you...
Accessing the Power of Your Intuition

Accessing the Power of Your Intuition

I have a confession to make. When I drive an automobile, I have a strong tendency to push the edges of the posted speed limit. For example, when the sign indicates the speed limit is increasing by 10 mph, I believe that applies as soon as I can see the sign, not after...
The Law of Priorities

The Law of Priorities

One of the benefits of being named as an Executive Director with the John Maxwell Team is teaching The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership to organizations using the same two-day workshop materials and format as the John Maxwell Company. Today I’d like to discuss one of...
What Boundaries Does Your Leadership Need?

What Boundaries Does Your Leadership Need?

Yesterday, I was with a coaching client who oversees a major piece of operational business for a company that is currently valued at just under $1 billion. He is working with me because he knows he can improve as a leader and he is up for the challenge. We were...
Which Camp Does Your Leadership Fall Into?

Which Camp Does Your Leadership Fall Into?

     It has been said that people fall into one of three camps. I think the same can be said about someone’s leadership style. As you read on, I hope you will make an honest assessment of which camp you fall into. If you don’t like the camp you’re in, that’s ok...